

Deadline for summaries: 1 March 2022

Approval of submissions by the Scientific Committee will be received by email by 15 April 2022.

Download Poster Contest sponsorship dossier here.




  • 1. IMPORTANT: Presentations that are not received by the established deadline will be excluded from the congress.
    2. Format for presentations: Poster.
    3. Maximum one presentation per registered participant.
  • 4. Participants may appear as co-authors in other presentations at the congress.



Authors should select the most appropriate topic area:

    • 1. The pig as raw material
    • 2. Production processes
    • 3. Product quality
    • 4. Sensory properties
    • 5. Food safety
    • 6. Nutrition
    • 7. Ham around the world
    • 8. Distribution and consumption
    • 9. Marketing and trends
    • 10.Sector legislation and regulations


 The Scientific Committee will select the two most interesting posters from among all submitted and accepted presentations to be defended by the authors during the 11th GHC.

Approval of submissions by the Scientific Committee (communication by e-mail)no later than 15 April 2022.




    • Proposals must be submitted using the Word template that can be downloaded below.
      • The summary must be saved as .doc or .docx, using the name and surname of the principal author (Surname_Name.doc)
      • The presentation may be written in Spanish or English, with a maximum length of 500 words using the downloaded template
    • - Arial 10 font, single spaced, with paragraph spacing 6
    • - The title shall be centred, and written in ALL CAPS
    • - Include full name of Institution, Centre and/or Department
    • - The name of the author submitting the presentation should be underlined, and indicate a contact e-mail address
    • - Summaries must include: introduction, objectives, methodology, results, conclusions, and bibliography and acknowledgements (where relevant)
    • - Maximum length: 500 words (excluding title, authors and affiliation)
    • Summaries must be submitted as an email attachment to no later than 1 March 2022

    Upon receipt of the summary, the author will receive an e-mail acknowledgement of receipt. Once the Scientific Committee has reviewed the summaries, the results will be communicated to the authors by e-mail.


Guidelines for preparing posters

1. Authors will be responsible for producing and placing their posters (maximum size 110 x 90 cm) in the area or areas assigned by the organization.

2. Changes made to the poster by the author (content, order or modification of authors, etc.) will not appear in the presentation certificate.

3. Maximum size: 90 cm wide x 110 cm high


Download Word template

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